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US Suspends Immigration – What does that mean for you?

Information About the Presidential Proclamation Suspending Entry of Certain Immigrants

Yesterday evening the President issued a proclamation suspending the entry of immigrants for a period of 60 days. The measure was first announced in a tweet sent out by the President on Monday night. Because we know that many of you are concerned as to whether and how this may affect you, we want to provide the following summary of the proclamation.

The proclamation suspends entry of those seeking immigrant visas from outside of the United States. It DOES NOT affect individuals that are in the United States and applying for adjustment of status. It also does not apply to those seeking entry as non-immigrants, such as visitors (B-1/B-2), employees of intergovernmental organizations (G-4), students (F-1/J-1) and temporary workers (H-1B). There are several EXCEPTIONS to the proclamation for:

The proclamation is a temporary suspension on entry.  It is anticipated that application and processing steps that occur prior to the issuance of such immigrants will continue.  Once the proclamation is lifted or expired, those individuals will be allowed to enter the United States.
It should be noted that most US Consulates have already been closed and unable to conduct interviews due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As noted above, this affects only those who are outside of the United States.

The proclamation went into effect at 11:59 PM April 23rd and is set to expire in 60 days. It may be continued if deemed necessary.

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